Monday, December 1, 2008

Twilight Reflections

I'm sitting by a stream under a great tree. I don't know what it's called; I was never good with trees. Yet it takes no expert to guess it's age. As I look up at it, I wonder how tall it is, and whether it still continues to grow. I think not; it seems to be at its greatest height. I look around me, and wonder whether the bridge over the stream was there when the tree was planted. A few cars go over the bridge, followed by a tram, and then there is silence, and stillness. I wonder how technology and natural beauty coexist in this place. I also think of all the changes this place must have gone through; but the tree remains the same, watching the world around it transform.

It's getting darker now, and I look to the sky. I have to pause a bit to take in the view. Patches of pink and gold seem to be scattered carelessly among the gray clouds. It strangely reminds me of drying lava. The horizon, however, is a clear, bright orange. The moments seem to be slipping away though, for soon it fades to a pale blue. I realise the sun has set behind the trees, roads and houses of this city.

My attention is then drawn to the stream itself. I gasp at its silent, reflective beauty as I see splendid colours on its surface - lilac, burnt rose, ash and slate gray. A slow realisation dawns on me - it's the sky that's really awe-inspiring, so much so that even the stream chooses to imitate it.

I look up from my writing to see a couple of ducks wading towards me. An old man walks by me with his dog, probably his only companion. I wish I had a dog.

Then all is silent, and I realise I'm experiencing something I haven't felt in a long long time. The air around me is filled with serenity, with tranquility - with peace. Yet I am not at peace, if that makes any sense.

It's getting harder to write now, with the cover of darkness approaching fast. I look ahead; the sun seems to have sunk comletely now. It's time to cross the bridge, put the sunset behind me and face the darkness ahead. Thank God the moon will be out soon.

Thank God there will be at least some light on the other side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I wish I had a dog.