Tuesday, December 9, 2008

On Charity

Anyone who's been following my blog would undoubtedly know by now that I'm positively in awe of Paulo Coelho, especially after I read 'Like The Flowing River'. That is a book I highly recommend to everyone, even those who don't read; it can have a life-changing effect on you (as it has affected me by inspiring me to write again and hence encounter catharsis). The book is a collection of thoughts and reflections, much like my blog, but only, of course, a thousand times better.

Here's a short story from that book that springs to my mind every time I pass someone less fortunate than myself on the road.

She was about sixty years old, sitting in a wheelchair, lost in the crowd. My wife offered to help her and the woman accepted the offer, asking us to take her to Rue Santa Clara.

There were a few plastic bags hanging from the back of the wheelchair. On the way, she told us that they contained all her belongings. She slept in shop doorways and lived off handouts.

We reached the place where she wanted to go. Other beggars were gathered there. The woman took out two packets of long-life milk from one of the plastic bags and gave it to the other members of the group.

'People are charitable to me, and so I must be charitable to them,' she said.

I don't think I need to say anymore.

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